It hasn't been a very fun couple of days at the Jenn household. I went for a run on Sunday morning and could feel that something wasn't quite right. My legs were helping me through, but my body wasn't quite in sync. Sure enough, a couple hours later I was under my blanket, feeling.. well, not so well. When I was a kid, I used to describe bad sore throats by picturing little bite-size men playing around my throat with sharp little swords. That image popped back into my head this weekend as I was sipping tea and trying to make the pain go away.
So... today I surrendered to my momentary illness, stayed in bed for most of the day until Oliver and I decided to use this as the perfect opportunity to make chicken noodle soup. It was pouring rain, gray and felt more like December than June anyway so this ended up turning an otherwise gloomy day into a fun-filled culinary adventure. I called this a chicken noodle soup, but I used a lot of the elements of an Italian wedding soup (egg, Parmesan and greens) and ended up with a wonderful medley of flavors. Oliver biked to the nearest butcher and was able to get homemade chicken stock (which we were out of) which made the broth that much more flavorful. All and all, this turned my pain-filled day into a day full of love and comfort food.
Chicken Noodle Soup (serves 4)
2 chicken breasts
2 bay leaves
2 shallots, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, finely diced
1 carrot, finely diced
2 scallions, finely sliced
2 cups of chicken stock
2 handfuls of egg noodles
1 small handful of fresh spinach
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmesan, plus extra for serving
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan, and add the 2 bay leaves. Add the chicken.
In a separate saucepan on medium low heat, add a good drizzle of olive oil. Add the shallots, garlic and carrots. Cook for 2-3 minutes, or until softened. Add the scallions and chicken stock. Bring the chicken stock to a boil and add the noodles. Cook according to package instructions.
Once the chicken is poached, remove from the water, and shred using a fork (discard the bay leaves). Season with salt and pepper and add to the chicken broth (about 2 minutes before the noodles are cooked). Add the spinach, the beaten egg and stir until the egg is cooked (about 1 minute). Add the Parmesan. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve with crusty bread, a drizzle of olive oil and a little extra Parmesan. Enjoy!
I hope you are feeling better! This sounds like something that would not only be soothing, but delicious!
Even sick, you make a meal that puts me to shame. Please crawl back in bed and get better soon.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope that lovely soup made you feel better! It certainly looks like it has that quality!
Ohhhhh, I have yet to make chicken noodle soup (well chickenless noodle since we are vegetarian, but I can easily substitute our faux meat products right into this recipe). I think this will be on our meal plan for next week! What a great comfort food! Sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you are feeling much better now and kicked those little men with swords to the curb!!!). Thanks for sharing!
Hope you're feeling better soon. The soup is beautiful!
Sick is no fun. I hope you feel better soon. Great soup - this looks perfect!
Ha! I used to think that when my foot fell asleep there were little solders in my foot poking me with thier bayonets! Wow, the imaginations of children eh.
I hope you feel better soon, I'm sure that the chicken noodle soup will help you through it. It looks delicious! My Italian mom always made it with parmesan and eggs when we were sick too.
Hope you feel better! Your soup looks beautiful.
I hope those little men move out soon. Your soup looks & sounds like the perfect cure. We were just in Montreal over the weekend - rain!!! 10 day holiday on the E. Coast & it rained ...... beautiful city, though! Looking forward to going back again.
I love the bowls your soup is in, where did you find them? I have been looking for that style for sometime now!
Chez US: Thank you! The bowl is from chef Gordon Ramsay oven to tableware collection, but I have found similar ones at different cooking stores around Montreal.
Feel better! Lovely photos, as always!
As hot as it is outside I could never turn down an incredible soup like that! I hope you are feeling better! :)
Nothing beats homemade chicken noodle soup! I hope you are feeling better now.
I would have this one any time of year. Just made some Asian duck soup. And I wasn't even feeling sick, so I don't have an excuse, other than a constant craving for hot soup.
Hope ur feeling better....ur napkin is the cutest! And the soup looks delicious.
I hope you're all recovered by now! I'm glad that you had the strength to screape yourself off bed and make some comfroting soup!
Nothing like CNS to warm the soul :)
Homemade soup -- is there anything more comforting? Hope you're feeling better!
That looks devine! When I was sick, I had 2 minute noodles :( but the awesome Korean ones. Does that make it any better?
Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well - this looks beautiful, I'm so impressed, especially while you were sick!
aw... i hope you're feeling better now! its been ages since i stopped by at your blog, but im loving it as always!!
Feel better soon- I am sure you will with the lovely chicken soup. Like Mary said- get some rest!
The ultimate comfort food! Feel better!
love it, the perfect remedy.
just made some myself:
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