Here is a little glimpse of the meal we enjoyed for Valentine's day. I opened my fridge to find that two big live lobsters had somehow made their way to my kitchen, and I couldn't be happier. I'm not usually a big fan of surprises, but this one was definitely a much appreciated one! While we were preparing the lobster, we made a quick homemade tarragon and caper mayonnaise and a potato puree that we served with a drizzle of truffle oil. This was one of the best meals I've had this month and felt like a little glimpse of summer in the middle of the wintertime. What did you have for your Valentine's day menu?
If you've never made homemade mayonnaise, I would encourage you to make your first batch as soon as you have a minute. It really does not take long to make and tastes so much better than the store bought kinds. I like flavoring mayonnaise - like this one, with tarragon and capers- so that the sauce always feel special. It was really a treat with a meaty lobster tail! We simply boiled the lobster in salty water until just cooked. As for the potatoes, I made a simple potato puree (with cooked potatoes, a little butter and a splash of cream) and finished it off with some good quality truffle oil. Using too much truffle oil can really overpower a dish, so make sure to add a modest drizzle. The right amount can really add to a dish and make it feel that much more festive.
Tarragon Mayonnaise
1 egg yolk
150-200 ml of canola oil
1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
2 teaspoons of capers, rinsed and coarsely chopped
1 small bunch of tarragon, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
In a small bowl, add the egg yolk and mustard and whisk until blended. Slowly add the oil, whisking continuously. After you have incorporated about a quarter of the oil, you should feel the mayonnaise coming together and starting to form a thick sauce. Add the oil very slowly to make sure that it has time to be completely incorporated in the mustard mixture before you add more oil. Once all the oil has been added, add the vinegar and lemon and whisk again. Add the capers and tarragon. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.Enjoy!
Stunning photo! I am sure that was an amazing dinner.. Funny, I just made homemade mayo for the first time last week---you are right--nothing like it!
OH... tarragon mayo... I sure bet Mr. lobster loved taking dips into it... I've never made/had truffled potato puree before...
Sounds wonderfully delish.
Fabulous photos. Lobster with tarraon mayo and truffled potatoes - it just doesn't get any better than this. Wow.
My mother made homemade mayonnaise when I was growing up. For a long time as a child I didn't know you could buy mayonnaise. I just thought everyone's mother made it. LOL
Cool recipe! This is such a classy recipe.
The tarragon mayo sounds delightful. I've made my own mayo, but just basic recipes. Must make it more often! What a lovely surprise to find lobsters in your fridge- how sweet and delicious!
It seems like you had an amazingly delicious Valentine's Day! While we had a wonderful dinner, it was not nearly as creative as yours!
Beautiful photo and lovely menu. Our Valentine's dinner was steamed crab legs, Spinach Twice-Baked Potatoes, and a simple tossed salad.
Love the vivid, vibrant red of the lobster! I have made a lemon dill mayo before - thanks for the new idea of using tarragon!
love lobster! Yummy!
My two favorite ingredients, tarragon and capers!! This recipe looks wonderful, Jennifer!
I wish I had lobsters magically appear in my fridge... this looks wonderful, what a gorgeous photo.
This is a great dish... really caught my eye (and I have left-over tarragon. The photo is spectacular with those great lobster colors and shapes... you had a great Valentines I see!
tarragon hands down my favorite herb. i want to grow it so badly in one of those aerogardens, but they don't carry tarragon. how bad is that?
i love love love this. tarragon in lobster salad is perfect.
I'm in love with truffled mashed potatoes right now. That taragon mayonnaise recipe looks divine.
this looks amazing! thanks for sharing! lobster with anything is always a treat :)
@ http://www.clutzycooking.blogspot.com
I had to laugh at the thought of opening my fridge to find live lobsters inside. I think I would scream. But your Valentine's Day meal looks delicious!
That sounds like a fantastic idea.
Glad you had such a great work.
Your photography is amazing! That's a tough subject too! Beautiful blog!
Lobster is only my very FAV thing in the world!
This sure was a perfect post to stumble across your blog... Really enjoyed the pictures, and am looking forward to nosing around the rest of the site for more ideas and inspiration.
Terragon hans is may favorite,aquí se llaman pinzas de jaibas,me gusta todo lo de mar,lindas fotos ,me gusta tu blog,abrazos.
It is a perfect Valentine day surprise and the best part is that you know exactly what to do with it.
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