
Chocolateshavings.ca was born in 2007 as a means to share favourite recipes, food ideas and photography. Why Chocolate Shavings? Well, I do like to bake, but you will find a lot of savoury recipes here too. The name Chocolate Shavings is my way to make mention of all the little cooking tricks that turn a meal from a simple cooked dish to something really special. Chocolate shavings added to top a simple dessert mousse, lemon zest grated over a simple fennel salad, or a drizzle of truffle oil added to everyday mashed potatoes are all simple touches, which, coupled with a few cooking tips make what comes out of the kitchen that much more delicious.

I have been cooking for as long as I could hold a spoon. Growing up in Paris, food was always an integral part of my life and I spent the better time of my childhood years coming up with recipes in the family kitchen. After obtaining my BA in Political Science from McGill University, I followed my childhood passion for cooking and attended the French Culinary Institute in New York City. I now work as a food writer and photographer and can most often be found in the kitchen, with a polka dot apron and my beloved pink kitchen aid.